Get into
groups. One member reads aloud the extract. The other members mime the scene.We kill two more savages and wounded several others. By now, the savages were all screaming in panic. Many of them had started running towards their canoes. So we ran forward, firing our guns. My first task was to free the white man. I gave him my sword and he joined us in our attack. Friday, meanwhile, ran among the cannibals with his axe and killed everyone in his path.
At the end of the battle, seventeen savages lay dead around us. Four others had escaped in one of their canoes and I was content for them to get away. But Friday wanted to chase them in one of the canoes that they had left behind. We ran towards the canoes and were surprised to find another man, tied with ropes, in the bottom of one of them. When we cut the man’s ropes, Friday went wild with joy! He danced, he laughed, he cried. The prisoner was, in fact, his own father.
1. Characters in this extract:
Robinson Crusoe, Friday, savages, white man, a man tied with ropes in a canoe
2. The scene: At the beach
3. Props such as sword, axe, guns
Dictation: Read the paragraph below. Then write it
out as your teacher dictates it.
Be yourself. Open up and tell your
friends how you feel. When your friends know your feelings they will understand
you better. You may think that if you allow your friends to see your
weaknesses, they will not like you. But it may not be true. You may be
surprised to find friends who are willing to help you overcome your weaknesses.
How closely do you
feel that the listening process is mirrored in these materials?
•1st exercise, students really have to
listen in order for them to mime the scene. The listening skills of the students
are tested in carrying out this activity. The mime by students can show whether
their listening
skill is good or not.
This is because the details in this scene can only be mimed if students did get
the gist of it.
•2nd exercise is solely
focusing on listening as it is a dictation.
Students will have to listen attentively to the teacher in order to write them
down. However, it is boring as students only need to write down what their
teacher has dictated to them and there is no further activity.
To what extent do
they assist in developing the listening skills of our students?
•1st activity, students need to learn to listen to
the gist and also the details at the same time. This is because they can only mime
accurately if they get the whole picture of the whole story by listening to
them. To the students, this exercise could be like listening to a story and
they will have to learn to interpret and ‘insert’ the ‘feeling’ from listening to it into their
•2nd activity, it is really focusing on the listening
skill as students have to listen to each and every word read out by the teacher.
This will definitely help students to improve their listening skill. Dictation
is an exercise that required students’ full attention in listening.
9: Looking Good Feeling Great
specific activity to sharpen listening skills
already prepared the script for this activity.
just have to listen to what their partners said and respond with the prepared
just have to listen to what their teacher dictated and fill in the blanks and
listen to it again to answer the multiple choice questions.
To what extent do they assist in
developing the listening skills of our students?
•Answer: To recognize the word and know how to spell those words, to widen their lexical density
•Answer: To recognize the word and know how to spell those words, to widen their lexical density