Sunday 23 September 2012

Weird Sunday

It's a 'Sunday' yet I'm not feeling the things to be felt on my usual sundays.Sundays use to be a day of going out with my family and friends but it is as if everything is changed. Well,my parents are not here which is a reason.But now instead of going out with friends I'm stuck in my room listening to musics full blast and preventing myself from going crazy while I try to think of what to do with my assignments.Eventhough it is kind of freaky but i'm currently eating snacks and sweets and bitting it off bit by bit.
Is this weird? Trying not to become mental^^
Anyways,I am not progressing much and is a bit stuck in what i should do so i blogged for fun. Eventhough it's a sunday,my room is crowded with creepy crawlies that is somewhat cute. Here's the cute part if you have a great imagination like I do.
Well,better start thinking what to do for my assignments then.Till next time and say bye creepy crawlies^^ Peace out ^^V

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