Sunday, 29 December 2013

Reflection on Tutorial Task Week 4 & 5: Cunningsworth's Article (Materials Development)

For this task, our group were required to present/analyse Cunningsworth's checklist and create a powerpoint presentation. We encountered numerous problems analysing the checklist as we had no idea at all that all checklist are actually different. Due to that, we gt confused. An example of the problem or confusion was we thought the checklist was comprised of 3 checklists, which are; Design and Content, Interactive Communications and Style and Appropriacy but they are actually 1 checklist.

Our powerpoint presentation was confusing as we analysed it as 3 different checklist. Thus, we were unable to show how effective or not effective is the checklist. It was also hard to show the points we analysed as we analysed it individually but in actual fact, it was 3 different criteria which actually complements each other to form a checklist.

As an overall, we analysed and knew that Cunningsworth’s checklist was all about Communicative Language Teaching (CLT). So, it was easier for us to analyse the checklist as it was specific in the terms of CLT. We discussed and identified what we like and dislike about the checklist. The criteria are helpful and specific enough to determine the effectiveness of a material or taskbook based on the CLT. However, it is also limited as it only focuses on CLT. 

To me, I feel that this checklist is very good in determining the communicative criteria of a book. This is because the criteria are easy to understand with minimal confusion. In my opinion, this checklist is suited to be used by teachers to evaluate a material or coursebook. This is because a material or coursebook that is shows communicative properties provide opportunities for learners to communicate with others which also allows them to practice the language as in daily lives. However, it is not advisable to only use this checklist alone as it only focuses on one aspect which is CLT.

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