Thursday 13 December 2012

Mini Tests~ Fail???

1st activity~
You are a journalist who is in Sabah to write about the famous places here. You are trying to add in the directions to the famous places from the Hyatt Regency Kinabalu Hotel. Based on the map, give directions to your readers. The direction in the journal should not be more than 80 words. Begin your journal as follows:
One of the places that I recommend is…

2nd activity~ 
You are the tour guide for a group of tourists. You are bringing them from Sabah Tourism Promotion Corporation to the the Hyatt Regency Kinabalu Hotel. On the way to the hotel, you are required to explain briefly about the places that you have passed by as well as what is available there. This is to provide your tourists the information they need to know Sabah better. Your brief explanation must be more than 100 words.

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